Order Tracking

Check the status of your order.

Order Number:

Frequently Asked Questions

When you place an order with us, your order number is located on the top of the receipt that's automatically sent when your payment is successful. Order numbers have a 8-digits format like 1234-5678

Items in Stock: If your order doesn't include additional items that are not in stock or made to order, we normally ship it in 2 working days after confirmation.

Items not in Stock: If you're not purchasing handcrafted, made to order or other special items, orders normally ship in 7 working days after they're confirmed.

Made to Order or Custom Items: Handcrafted, made to order, and other special/custom items (not in stock) are crafted only after confirmation. Manufacturing time is displayed on the item's description. If your order includes such items, it can take 14 days (or more) for us to ship it.

Once your order ships, delivery times vary depending on the chosen shipping method, country/destination, and if there's no carrier or customs delays. Read more about delivery times here.

We ship all items together. If some of the products you're purchasing are available for immediate shipping, but others have a longer shipping time (please read the product page for more information), your order will be shipped together when all items become available for a single packaging.

In other words, if a product is available to be shipped early, but the other can only be shipped in 5 days, both products will be packed and shipped when the second one arrives from a different warehouse. In most cases, products are shipped earlier than the shipping time described in the product page.

Shipping fees do not cover eventual import duties, VAT or customs taxes that shipping carriers may charge directly to customers. Some countries tax imported goods, which requires the recipient to pay additional charges before the product is delivered.

It's the customer's sole and own responsibility to clear all customs procedures and pay any local import taxes or additional charges. If you're not sure if your products will be delivered without additional taxes by your local regulations, please contact your local Customs department or post office.

Read our complete FAQ